Author: Nordbrock
Church Conferences

All Fall conferences will be convened as in-person Church Conferences, extending the vote to all professing members of the local church present at such meetings. (2016 Book of Discipline ¶248) At least one week in advance, send your COMPLETED and SIGNED forms as scanned PDFs to Mandana at [email protected]. Forms are found on the Conference… Continue Reading Church Conferences
Native Americans and United Methodism Course

Rev. Karen Wheat will offer a course on Native Americans and United Methodism. Mondays in October (2, 9, 16, 23, 30) 5:00 – 7:00 pm Milwood UMC (3919 Portage Street, Kalamazoo, MI 49001) A look at Native American spirituality and history, especially as it relates to The United Methodist Church. We’ll explore creation stories, how… Continue Reading Native Americans and United Methodism Course
UMC Night at the Growlers

Join United Methodists from around the District at a Kalamazoo Growlers baseball game July 28. Gates: 5:35pm | First Pitch: 6:35pm Fireworks following the game! TICKET & A HAT: $12 Reserved bleacher seat Growlers hat BLEACHER BUFFET: $25 All-Inclusive Ballpark Buffet (hot dogs, burgers, chips, potato salad, coleslaw, and more) for 4-innings Unlimited soda and… Continue Reading UMC Night at the Growlers
Southwest Michigan Latinx Community Ministry

Our Sunday worship is an extension of our home, the experience of the warm welcome, along with familiar music and faces we have grown to know over time and faith. But for some, worship does not represent an extension of their home or their lives. “Everyone has an innate need to connect and belong. It’s… Continue Reading Southwest Michigan Latinx Community Ministry
Mission Evening: A Night at the Thrift Shop

Presented by Union City United Women in Faith Hosted by Greater Southwest District United Women in Faith Thursday, June 22, 2023 Union City United Methodist Church (200 Ellen St) 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. enjoy refreshments, hear a brief presentation with Q & A time and view an exhibit about our 60th Anniversary celebrated in 2022.… Continue Reading Mission Evening: A Night at the Thrift Shop
Fresh Expressions – what exactly is it?

~Jessica Cobb A Fresh Expression (FX) is a form of church that is designed to reach those who might not typically attend a traditional church service. It is about taking ministry to people where they are already gathering, rather than attempting to attract people to your church’s gatherings. Fresh Expressions invite Christian disciples to gather… Continue Reading Fresh Expressions – what exactly is it?
Keep on Rising from the Dead

by Rev. Dwayne Bagley Dying and rising have been on my mind a lot throughout this Lenten season. In one of our Cabinet devotion times in March, we were invited to take a deep dive into the story from John 4 about Jesus’ meeting with the woman at the well. In that encounter, Jesus challenges… Continue Reading Keep on Rising from the Dead
A Jubilee that Keeps on Giving

Stevensville UMC Partners with Riverside School by Kellie Meyer In the fall of 2020, Stevensville United Methodist Church started working on a weekend food program with Riverside Hagar #6 School in Riverside, MI. Riverside is a public school with an enrollment each year of 70-75 students. One teacher works with two grades in one classroom,… Continue Reading A Jubilee that Keeps on Giving
Spring Fling

The Hopkins United Women in Faith are hosting Spring Fling on March 25 from 10am-2pm. The theme is “Make New Friends” and units are encouraged to bring friends who might be interested in learning about our organization and mission – the Mission Challenge project, Justice for Our Neighbors, Community House, and the Reading Program. The event will… Continue Reading Spring Fling
Lay Servant Courses

Saturdays, March 4 & 11, 2023 9:30am-3:30pm Stevensville UMC (5506 Ridge Rd) Courses are free – order your own book and bring a sack lunch. You must attend all sessions to earn credit for the course. Registration deadline is February 27. Courses with fewer than 5 people will be canceled. Basic Course Led by… Continue Reading Lay Servant Courses