Tag: lay servant
Spring Lay Servant Course

Courses are free – order your own book and bring a sack lunch. You must attend all sessions to earn credit for the course. Registration deadline is one week prior to the first session. REGISTER HERE Aging and Ministry in the 21st Century Saturdays, May 4 & 11 | 9am-3pm | Parchment UMC Led… Continue Reading Spring Lay Servant Course
Aging and Ministry in the 21st Century

THE SESSION ON JANUARY 13 IS CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER! Courses are free – order your own book and bring a sack lunch. You must attend all sessions to earn credit for the course. Registration deadline is January 8. Aging and Ministry in the 21st Century Saturdays, January 13 & 20 (snow date Jan… Continue Reading Aging and Ministry in the 21st Century
Native Americans and United Methodism Course

Rev. Karen Wheat will offer a course on Native Americans and United Methodism. Mondays in October (2, 9, 16, 23, 30) 5:00 – 7:00 pm Milwood UMC (3919 Portage Street, Kalamazoo, MI 49001) A look at Native American spirituality and history, especially as it relates to The United Methodist Church. We’ll explore creation stories, how… Continue Reading Native Americans and United Methodism Course
Lay Servant Courses

Saturdays, March 4 & 11, 2023 9:30am-3:30pm Stevensville UMC (5506 Ridge Rd) Courses are free – order your own book and bring a sack lunch. You must attend all sessions to earn credit for the course. Registration deadline is February 27. Courses with fewer than 5 people will be canceled. Basic Course Led by… Continue Reading Lay Servant Courses
Summer Lay Servant Course

Course is free – order your own book and bring a sack lunch. You must attend all sessions to earn credit for the course. Courses with fewer than 5 people will be canceled. Called to Preach Saturdays, July 16 & 30 9:30 am – 3:30 pm Kalamazoo: Milwood UMC (3919 Portage St, Kalamazoo) Led by… Continue Reading Summer Lay Servant Course