District Leaders Needed

Compass with needle pointing the word leadership with blur effect plus blue and black tones. Conceptual image for illustration of leader motivation

We are currently seeking people who want to respond to God’s call in their life by helping to set the vision for the continuing United Methodist Church in the Greater Southwest District. Ask your pastor for details or contact your District Superintendent for more information. We are looking for leaders for the following roles within the District:

Board of Church Location and Building:  We are seeking persons acquainted with real estate sales, the work of trustees and general knowledge of parsonages.  This committee approves sales of church property and reviews proposed building plans. 

Finance:  We are in critical need of a District Treasurer.  This person would be responsible for monthly bank reconciliation and keeping track of fund balances.  This position could be a paid position, but it is very part-time.  

District Director of Lay Servant Ministry:  This person would work in cooperation with the rest of the Lay Servant Ministry Team to schedule Lay Speaking/Lay Servant opportunities in the Greater Southwest District and to communicate with local churches about the availability of online training opportunities.

District Leadership Team:  We are seeking persons with an interest in connectional mission and ministry and a desire to equip and engage the people called United Methodist in Southwest Michigan so that every church offers a foretaste of the Kingdom of God. Responsibilities of this team will include planning District Training Days, reviewing and approving applications for ENGAGE and Fresh Expressions Grants, and setting a vision for the continuing United Methodist Church in the Greater Southwest District.   

Greater Southwest District