Mission & Ministry Grants
The Greater Southwest District has grant money available for local churches who are looking for ways to help underwrite the cost of new and ongoing mission and ministry projects. Our ENGAGE Mission and Ministry Grants are awarded to churches who are connecting with the people in their community to make an impactful difference in their lives. Your church could receive support to begin doing you’ve been dreaming of and assistance to help you do what you’re already doing even better. Each grant will be approved based on merit and details provided in the application package. Because we want to help as many churches as possible, please only submit one application per congregation annually.
Fresh Expressions Grants
Fresh Expressions grants are designed to provide start-up funds for outreach efforts focused on reaching new people.
Person in Mission Scholarships
Do you or someone you know need additional financial support to participate in a hands-on mission trip? The Greater Southwest District has funds available to help you be part of a mission team. Preferences are given for first-time participants, but anyone may apply. The trip must be sponsored by a church or organization affiliated with The United Methodist Church and going to a project hosted by a church or organization affiliated with The United Methodist Church.
Please return applications by August 1 for fall trips, by December 1 for winter/spring trips and by May 1 for summer trips.
LifeSpring Legacy Grants - COMING SOON!
Summer Program Grant
This grant is for churches offering a summer program such as Vacation Bible School or a day camp. Priority will be given to churches that have not offered a program before. A maximum of $1,000 will be rewarded per church per year.
Faith Formation Grant
This grant is for churches that need resources for Faith Formation, such as training, curriculum, materials, etc. A maximum of $1,000 will be rewarded per church per year.