Meet the new District Superintendent

To all who are part of the Greater Southwest District, I joyfully send to you greetings and blessings this day. I am looking forward to getting to know you and celebrating the amazing ways you are responding to the love of Jesus Christ. What a journey this will be, as we travel the road of faith together.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Dean. I was born and raised in Troy, Michigan. I am the youngest of nine children. My mom (Phyllis, 88 years old) and dad (Hugh, 93 years old) live in Wyoming, Michigan in the house next to the church I have served for thirteen years, Wesley Park UMC.

My son’s name is Will (William Manuel Alexander Parada Salvador Prentiss). Will is an amazing person. He turned 19 on June 27. Will was born in Guatemala, where Adrianne and I moved for five months to complete his adoption. When I had to return home, members of Williamston UMC flew down to help. Will is deaf and on the autism spectrum. He has a great sense of humor, an incredible connection to God’s Spirit, and an intuitive way to sense what others do not sense. Adrianne and I are no longer married, but are deeply committed to raising Will. This requires some understanding and even flexibility by all on the District as we work on the best ways to keep Will safe and cared for. I will be staying in my home in Grand Rapids, which will help Will during this time of transition. While this may limit my availability for evening meetings, I will be in the office, visiting as many churches as I can each week, and will be reachable by phone, text, and online to be present with you.

I find joy in simple things. I love a good story. I bring my glove to baseball games with the eternal hope that a foul ball might come my way (I caught two on August 5 several years ago at Comerica Park). I don’t have a TV but do my best to stay connected and informed. I try to close the exercise rings on my watch as often as I can. I thank God for grace, forgiveness, and for opportunities to grow in love each day. Luke 10:27 is one of my favorite verses.

I care about you. Dwayne and Mandana, along with Bishop Bard and the Cabinet, have helped me and are entrusting me with this beautiful privilege of prayerfully being United Methodists in the Greater Southwest District together. Let us love God with heart, soul, strength, and mind, and our neighbor as ourselves.


Greater Southwest District