Our District United Methodist Women collected sweaters and quilts from all over West Michigan on September 12, 2020. God richly blessed us with an amazing number of sweaters and quilts. One woman made more than 100 sweaters!! Pokagon was the winner this year with 184 sweaters and 4 quilts. Bless everyone that made things for the mission challenge. Wow!! A total of 457 items were sent to the Midwest Mission Distribution Center! God has blessed us with an amazing group of women!! Thanks to everyone who contributed this year: Pokagon, Westwood, Climax, Gobles, Athens, Debbie Bachman, Scotts, Schoolcraft, and Hartford. See more photos and individual totals in the latest issue of The Compass.
As the winner of the challenge, Pokagon chose the mission project for 2021 – all or portions of the Feminine Hygiene Kit and/or fabric face masks for adults or children. The projects made for the Mission Challenge need to use the patterns from Midwest Mission Distribution Center.
UMW Mission Challenge