Dear Greater Southwest District,
I write with a spirit of thanksgiving as I witness what God is doing through you to bless your neighbors near and far.
Here are the Greater Southwest District Ministry Shares for 2025, which will be lower this year. I recognize that you are doing your best to grow in love. I hope you can use the lower District Ministry Shares to invest in ministry, pay more of your Conference Ministry Shares, and offer blessings.
The District budget for 2025 reflects gifts that have been given by LifeSpring United Methodist Church prior to their closing, intended to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. These gifts include grants that are available for faith formation, Christian camping, and Vacation Bible School. Grant applications will be available by January of 2025.
Let us remember that Jesus is the vine, and we are the branches. We abide in Christ, who shows us how to love and connects us to one another. May the joy of Christ be in you, that your joy may be complete.
Rev. Dean N. Prentiss
Greater Southwest District Superintendent