District News

2025 District Ministry Shares

Dear Greater Southwest District,

I write with a spirit of thanksgiving as I witness what God is doing through you to bless your neighbors near and far.

Here are the Greater Southwest District Ministry Shares for 2025, which will be lower this year. I recognize that you are doing your best to grow in love. I hope you can use the lower District Ministry Shares to invest in ministry, pay more of your Conference Ministry Shares, and offer blessings.

The District budget for 2025 reflects gifts that have been given by LifeSpring United Methodist Church prior to their closing, intended to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. These gifts include grants that are available for faith formation, Christian camping, and Vacation Bible School. Grant applications will be available by January of 2025.

Let us remember that Jesus is the vine, and we are the branches. We abide in Christ, who shows us how to love and connects us to one another. May the joy of Christ be in you, that your joy may be complete.

Rev. Dean N. Prentiss
Greater Southwest District Superintendent

Winter 2025 Lay Servant Courses

Courses are free – order your own book and bring a sack lunch.
You must attend all sessions to earn credit for the course.
In case of inclement weather, that day’s classes will be held on Zoom.
Registration deadline is one week prior to the first session.



Basic Course book coverIntroduction to Lay Ministry: The Basic Course
Saturdays, January 18 & 25  |  9am-3pm  |  Westwood UMC & ZOOM (hybrid)
Led by Rev. Sean Kidd
Required book: Lay Servant Ministries Basic Course Participant’s Book by Sandy Jackson

This course is foundational for all courses in Lay Servant Ministries. Participants are encouraged to discover and employ personal spiritual gifts and to consider the importance of exercising servant leadership, developing future leaders, remaining rooted in consistent spiritual practices, and being part of a group that holds members accountable in their discipleship.

Rev. Kidd has served as the pastor of Westwood UMC in Kalamazoo since 2019. 



Afire with God book coverAfire with God: Lead in Stewardship
Saturdays, January 18 & 25  |  9am-3pm  |  Westwood UMC
Led by Rev. Dr. Sherry Parker-Lewis
Required book: Afire with God: Becoming Spirited Stewards by Betsy Schwarzentraub

This advanced course helps participants develop a holistic understanding of stewardship. You’ll be challenged to become stewards-in-action in all God has entrusted to us. We will go beyond thinking in terms of ‘dollars contributed’ to see stewardship as becoming living examples of the gospel. If we take stewardship seriously – and joyfully – it won’t be just another addition to the same old programs we’ve been doing in our congregations. It will change our thinking, acting and imagining. And it will change our vision of ministry, working from the inside out.

Rev. Parker-Lewis is the Sr. Director of Church Relations for the United Methodist Foundation of Michigan. She assists congregations with strengthening stewardship and generosity practices. She is a retired UM clergyperson who has served rural, small town and suburban congregations. Sherry and her husband George reside in Mattawan and attend Milwood UMC.


Ministry with the forgotten book coverMinistry with the Forgotten: Dementia Through a Spiritual Lens
Saturdays, January 18 & 25  |  9am-3pm  |  Westwood UMC
Led by Rev. George Lewis
Required book: Ministry with the Forgotten: Dementia through a Spiritual Lens by Kenneth L. Carder

This advanced course is designed to help laity and clergy deepen their understanding of persons living with dementia and help all maintain their identity and worth as beloved children of God. Confronting the deep personal and theological questions created by loving people with dementia, Carder calls the church to a deeper discipleship defined by the quality of our caring and receiving relationships. Participants will discover what it means to carry each other’s memories, joys, and diminishments together in community. Through loving practices that nurture and incorporate persons with Alzheimer’s and dementia into the church’s life and ministry, we experience a spiritual wholeness rooted in God’s grace beyond our own strengths and capacities.

Rev. Lewis is a retired UM clergyperson who has led United Methodist congregations for 30 years. He has a passion for caring for and honoring older persons. He draws on biblical insight and personal experience to offer wisdom for compassionate care. He and his wife Sherry reside in Mattawan, Michigan and attend Milwood UMC.

ABAR Study Hall

The Michigan Conference overwhelmingly passed legislation at the annual conference gathering in 2021 for Anti-Bias/Anti-Racism (ABAR) Education & Training. The curriculum, with its seven modules, is available at abar.michiganumc.org.

All persons serving under appointment or assignment in the Michigan Conference are required to complete a module each year. At least one module must be completed by December 31, 2024. A second module must be completed by December 31, 2025.

District Superintendent Dean Prentiss states, “ABAR work is essential to our shared life in Christ. This work gives us the tools and awareness to develop mindful relationships and helps us address bias and racism in the world, in the church, and in our lives. It takes work to build the Beloved Community. I believe this must be one of our priorities in the district.”

For those needing a dedicated time and space to begin an ABAR module or would like to work collectively with your colleagues, we are offering an ABAR Study Hall on Wednesday, November 20 from 9:00-12:00 OR 1:00-4:00 at the Wesley Foundation of Kalamazoo. Lunch will be available from 12:00-1:00.

Rev. Dr. April Gutierrez and Rev. Matt Weiler will be available to provide login assistance, tech support, and answer questions you may have. You can choose to work independently or in groups.

This is not a training session, but is intended to provide space to bring your computer, engage with the material online, and connect with others. It’s casual and meaningful. And what better place to study than at the Wesley Foundation!



UWF District Annual

The 6th Annual Greater Southwest District United Women in Faith Celebration will be at Washington Heights UMC in Battle Creek. Registration and refreshments begin at 9:15am.

Pastor Monique French will speak about how WHUMC is helping this transitioning neighborhood create affordable housing for its residents.

Cost is $15 per person and includes lunch. Childcare is available.

Download Registration Form 

SPRC Meetings & Church Conferences

District Superintendent Dean Prentiss has divided the District churches into 12 groups he is calling “Branches.”  Check out the Google map

Each Branch will gather in-person on a Sunday afternoon for Church Conferences. Half will be at 2:00 and half at 4:00, with everyone gathering at 3:00 for Dean’s message.

All SPRC meetings will be held on ZOOM the Saturday before your Church Conference. Pastors are invited to attend.

Forms are located at michiganumc.org/resources/forms.

2024 SPRC Schedule

2024 SPRC Letter

2024 Branch Conference Schedule

2024 Church Conference Forms Checklist

For those in their first year of an appointment:
Good Beginnings-SPRC
Good Beginnings-Pastor

DS Installation

SAVE THE DATE! The Installation Service for District Superintendent Dean Prentiss will be held:

Sunday, September 22, 2024
Westwood United Methodist Church
(538 Nichols Rd, Kalamazoo, MI 49006)

Children of all ages are invited to this special time of celebration and fun!

Meet the new District Superintendent

To all who are part of the Greater Southwest District, I joyfully send to you greetings and blessings this day. I am looking forward to getting to know you and celebrating the amazing ways you are responding to the love of Jesus Christ. What a journey this will be, as we travel the road of faith together.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Dean. I was born and raised in Troy, Michigan. I am the youngest of nine children. My mom (Phyllis, 88 years old) and dad (Hugh, 93 years old) live in Wyoming, Michigan in the house next to the church I have served for thirteen years, Wesley Park UMC.

My son’s name is Will (William Manuel Alexander Parada Salvador Prentiss). Will is an amazing person. He turned 19 on June 27. Will was born in Guatemala, where Adrianne and I moved for five months to complete his adoption. When I had to return home, members of Williamston UMC flew down to help. Will is deaf and on the autism spectrum. He has a great sense of humor, an incredible connection to God’s Spirit, and an intuitive way to sense what others do not sense. Adrianne and I are no longer married, but are deeply committed to raising Will. This requires some understanding and even flexibility by all on the District as we work on the best ways to keep Will safe and cared for. I will be staying in my home in Grand Rapids, which will help Will during this time of transition. While this may limit my availability for evening meetings, I will be in the office, visiting as many churches as I can each week, and will be reachable by phone, text, and online to be present with you.

I find joy in simple things. I love a good story. I bring my glove to baseball games with the eternal hope that a foul ball might come my way (I caught two on August 5 several years ago at Comerica Park). I don’t have a TV but do my best to stay connected and informed. I try to close the exercise rings on my watch as often as I can. I thank God for grace, forgiveness, and for opportunities to grow in love each day. Luke 10:27 is one of my favorite verses.

I care about you. Dwayne and Mandana, along with Bishop Bard and the Cabinet, have helped me and are entrusting me with this beautiful privilege of prayerfully being United Methodists in the Greater Southwest District together. Let us love God with heart, soul, strength, and mind, and our neighbor as ourselves.


Greater Southwest District