
District News

Beyond Boxes

Beyond Boxes

~Rev. Dwayne Bagley, District Superintendent

How often has someone encouraged the leadership of your church to “think outside the box” when the topic of reaching new people surfaces during a planning session, visioning retreat, or committee meeting? I’d guess that such encouragement comes frequently, but results in efforts that are not far removed from the boxes we have been invited to think beyond. My own firsthand engagement with thinking outside the box has caused several well-intentioned effects. Better contents for the box, better looking boxes, detailed instructions about how to locate the box, seasonal invitations to gather inside the box, more accessible boxes and boxes designed for each generation have all resulted. None of these efforts moved the metrics of worship attendance and membership much. Frankly, I’m not convinced that plans and programs focused in and around our present boxes can reach new people. Those most likely to be attracted to even the best of boxes have already found a box of their own. If this is true, what can we do? Maybe there’s a way to think beyond our boxes.

A catalyst for this is allowing room within preconceived ideas about the way the church should be to consider the possibility that the future of the Christian Church in general and your church in particular will not be located in existing buildings and scheduled only at an appointed hour on Sunday morning. Openness to this possibility makes space for the Holy Spirit to move so that we are inspired to imagine new possibilities. Such imagination not only moves us outside the box but takes us beyond the box and may lead to a place where there is no box at all. To arrive at this point, we may be called to shed our expectation that every outreach is a means to the desired end of increasing worship attenders and giving units.

The good news is that it’s possible to sustain what people already connected to our church find meaningful, even as congregations reach out to new people in new places in new ways. Examples of how this is happening around the world is found in the Fresh Expressions movement. This global movement began in 2004 as Anglican and Methodist churches in Great Britain began to seek ways to mesh existing church culture with new ways of reaching those who didn’t go to church. This intentional seeking gave rise to over 3000 new faith communities located in places as diverse as playground swings and kayak seats, bar stools and beach blankets.

That movement has taken root in the United States and we’re inviting your congregation to consider how your church can offer a new kind of United Methodist Church for people not in church. We’ve scheduled a Fresh Expression Vision Day in the Greater Southwest District for Saturday, November 12, 2022. This opportunity to explore how a fresh expression can change the future of your church begins at 9:30 AM. Throughout the day you’ll interact with others to brainstorm innovative ways that everyday people of God can be on mission in their neighborhoods and with their networks of friends and acquaintances. Lunch will be served, and childcare will be available on site. When our day concludes at 3:30 PM you’ll leave with steps that your congregation can take to connect with new people in new places in new ways. Sign up today, encourage a team from your church to attend and envision how your church can begin ministry beyond the box.  

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2022 Charge Conferences

All Fall conferences will be Charge Conferences, unless specific arrangements have been made.

Who are the members of a charge conference?
2016 Book of Discipline ¶246.2 The membership of the charge conference shall be all members of the church council or other appropriate body, together with retired ordained ministers and retired diaconal ministers who elect to hold their membership in said charge conference and any others as may be designated in the Discipline. If more than one church is on the pastoral charge, all members of each church council shall be members of the charge conference.

How will the conference be convened?
Conferences will be on ZOOM unless an in-person Church Conference was requested. If connecting from a smartphone or tablet, it’s helpful to have the free ZOOM app installed on your device in advance. A phone number will also be sent if someone needs to call in to the conference. For security reasons, please do not share ZOOM info on social media. 

Who will send the Zoom meeting info?
Once the forms are received in the District Office, Mandana will send the ZOOM meeting info to the pastor who should then share it with members of the SPRC and charge conference.

Will the SPRC meet with the District Superintendent?
Yes. The SPRC will use the charge conference Zoom link to meet with the DS 30 minutes prior to the charge conference.

How should our paperwork be submitted?
At least one week in advance, send your COMPLETED and SIGNED forms as scanned PDFs to Mandana at [email protected]

Forms are found on the Conference website: https://michiganumc.org/resources-old/forms/ 

2022 Charge Conference Forms Checklist

2022 Good Beginnings-Pastor
2022 Good Beginnings-SPRC

2022 Charge Conference Letter

2022 Charge Conference Schedule UPDATED 10/5/22

2022 Charge Conference Agenda

District United Women in Faith Annual Celebration

The 4th Annual Greater Southwest District United Women in Faith Celebration will be October 1, 2022 from 9:30am-2pm at Otsego UMC.

Our Keynote Speaker, Ellen Harbin, is a gifted Bible teacher and conference speaker, creatively applying the truth of God’s Word to all of life’s triumphs and challenges. She’s engaging, inspiring and fun!

Child care is available, please bring a sack lunch for your child.

Cost is $15 per person.

Free will offering will be taken to be divided between United Methodist Community House and our District Pledge to Missions.


Summer Lay Servant Course

Course is free – order your own book and bring a sack lunch.
You must attend all sessions to earn credit for the course.
Courses with fewer than 5 people will be canceled.

Called to Preachbook cover: from pew to pulpit
Saturdays, July 16 & 30
9:30 am – 3:30 pm
Kalamazoo: Milwood UMC (3919 Portage St, Kalamazoo)
Led by Rev. Karen Wheat
Required book: From Pew to Pulpit by Clifton F. Guthrie

This course is designed for those who have not completed formal preaching training, for pastors seeking a basic refresher course, and for others who are called upon to preach in a pastor’s absence. This course fulfills the “Preaching” requirement for Certified Lay Speaker status.


Registration deadline is July 9.

2022 Annual Conference

Based on Psalm 30, the 2022 Annual Conference focused on resiliency as our church journeys through pandemics, denominational, and social change. Find legislative results, materials and videos at 2022.michiganumc.org.

District Highlights

The Service of Recognition, Commissioning, and Ordination included these District clergy:
Dan Colthorp & Nate Starkey – completed Course of Study
Ian Boley & Mikki Sandlin – commissioned as Elders
Julia Humenik & Heather McDougall-Walsh – ordained as Elders
Lane Van – transferred into the Conference

Rev. Craig Van Beek, serving Burnips and Monterey Center UMCs, received a Harry Denman Award for Evangelism. Named after the well-known evangelist, this award honors United Methodists whose exceptional ministry brings people into a life-transforming relationship with Jesus Christ. Read more

Hopkins UMW Provides Re-Entry Kits

Hopkins UMC United Methodist Women initiated a project to provide “re-entry” kits to inmates being released from the Allegan County Jail. Each kit contains personal care items, a pocket calendar, a pair of socks and/or gloves, a small treat and a card from our church. Funding for the project came from private donations, loose change offerings and a Fresh Expressions Grant from the District. The first 20 kits (10 men and 10 women) were delivered to the jail in early January 2022. 

personal care items for inmate re-entry kits

District Baseball Game

Join United Methodists from around the District at our annual Kalamazoo Growlers baseball game!

Sunday, July 31
Gates open at 12:35, first pitch is at 1:35. 

Reserved tickets: $10 includes hat, $20 includes all-you-can-eat buffet (from 12:35 until end of 4th inning).

Purchase tickets online at GrowlersTickets.com using promo code: UMC.

2022 Growlers Baseball Flyer

Mission Evening

It’s Easy Being Green! Mission Evening

Presented by the Climax United Women in Faith

Visit stations to learn how your unit can become green! We invite you to present your progress and ideas.
Scotts United Women in Faith will share information about their Food Pantry… perhaps you’d like to start one at your church!

Hosted by Greater Southwest District United Women in Faith

Thursday, June 16

6:30 to 7:15 p.m. view exhibits and displays
7:15 to 8:00 p.m. refreshments and Q & A time

Climax UMC (133 E Maple St, Climax, MI 49034)

Registration fee is $5 and entire proceeds will go to Community House.
Ingathering of non-perishable protein items (peanut butter, canned meats, beans, etc.) and tortillas for the Scotts Food Pantry

Register by June 13: 2022 Mission Evening Registration 

The Living Legacy of an Idle Tale

The Living Legacy of an Idle Tale
by Rev. Dwayne Bagley, Greater Southwest District Superintendent

When I was young and full of grace and spirited as a rattlesnake, I was given the opportunity to become a filmmaker. As some of you already know, “opportunity” is probably the wrong word to use in this case. Since I really didn’t have the option to refuse, it was more like being given the assignment to become a filmmaker. It was part of the coursework in my New Testament interpretation class on the Gospel according to Mark. The movie-making assignment was given to every student in the class by our wacky professor who had a wacky name to match. I kid you not, his name was Dr. Boomershine. That name, and his odd way of approaching the interpretation of the Holy Scriptures, opened itself up to being subjected to all sorts of abuses. The most frequent of which was that certain wits at the seminary, even among his professorial colleagues, would refer to him as “Dr. Monkeyshines”. Behind his back, of course.

Dr. Boomershine was one of the founders of something called the “Network of Biblical Storytellers”. These learned lay and clergy folks devoted themselves to the notion that the Bible was full of stories that God’s people told one another to help them keep and increase their faith. They thought that it was a crying shame that the stories of the Bible had ever been written down, believing that capturing them on a printed page was the equivalent of putting these life-giving and life-affirming stories in an empty tomb. The Network of Biblical Storytellers sought to rectify this by telling the stories of scripture, right out loud, from memory to anyone who would listen. They elected a president each year to facilitate their annual meetings, but Dr. Boomershine was their king. He had memorized the gospels of Mark, Matthew, John and Luke along with Acts, and certain parts of Paul’s letters. He could begin at chapter one, verse one of the Gospel of Mark and tell the rest of the story, right straight through, from memory. It was rumored that, instead of bedtime stories, he told his children stories from the Gospels – a rumor his long-suffering offspring confirmed when asked with a sighing and shaking of their heads. As a lark, he staged a production of the Book of Revelation in the form of an epic tragedy of the Greek Theatre.

These things alone would have branded Dr. Boomershine with a reputation for a certain kind of wackiness, but he took his storytelling approach to the gospel one giant leap further when he insisted that there would come a day when people wouldn’t sit still long enough to read books or even listen to well-crafted and executed sermonizing. Instead, according to his reckoning at least, the good news of Jesus Christ should be translated into a visual form that would appeal to people’s senses, capture their imagination, and connect with them in a way that communicated to a generation raised on television. He was working with the American Bible Society to do a translation of the New Testament in a video format suitable for playing on VCR. He actually thought there would come a time when some people’s primary connection with Christian faith would be through a screen. How wacky is that? You can see why people called him Dr. Monkeyshines. 

I approached his assignment to translate a passage from the Gospel of Mark into a video presentation with all the gusto of someone who needs the course credits to graduate. Because I possessed hubris beyond my years, I chose Mark’s story of the resurrection from chapter 16 – the resurrection story – as the subject for my no-budget visual retelling. Because I was short of two resources most necessary to produce a visual epic, money and time, I had to make some compromises. As a stand in for the empty tomb, I chose a large, neo-gothic style, downtown church located in the city of the Wolverines that shall not be named. Its impressively thick oak doors seemed representative of barriers barring entrance that would need to be rolled away. And let’s face it, if you’re looking for something empty and tomblike, there’s nothing emptier and more devoid of life than a church sanctuary on a weekday.

In the role of the women who went very early on the first day of the week after the sun had risen to pay their respects to Jesus, I cast three college co-eds. Instead of bringing spices to the neo-gothic tomb, I had them tote daffodils. I encountered a continuity problem when my rigorous filming schedule conflicted with one of my three women’s final exams, and she had to leave. I had another difficulty when I was trying to find the right person to play the angelic messenger in Mark’s story. Because I couldn’t convince or coerce anyone else, I had to play the part of the bright angel myself. Needless to say, it was not typecasting.

There wasn’t anything particularly innovative or insightful about any of this. It was all just sort of a heavy-handed attempt at updating the old, old story. But my no-budget epic did step out of the tomb we try to keep the good news of the resurrection in when it imagined where Jesus might call his disciples to join him if the Easter story happened today. I couldn’t recreate the Galilee where Jesus called his followers to join him. Instead, I imagined places where Jesus might be found living and working in our world. I chose scenes of midnight basketball leagues and homes for the elderly and soup kitchens and clothing banks and shelters for people on the street. I thought then that if Jesus were going to rise up, go on ahead of us and ask us to join him, those were the kinds of places where we would find him. I still believe that.

One Easter Sunday when I was just a baby pastor, a woman came up to me after I had given an impassioned Easter sermon that had left me breathless, tearful and sweaty. I had left my body, soul, mind and spirit up on the altar of God after letting that one fly. She surprised me by asking, in a voice that sounded like she should have her hands on her hips, “You don’t really believe all that, do you?” I have spent the last twenty years wondering how I could have responded to her better. I’ve concluded that I should have just told her that faith in resurrection of Jesus Christ is less about believing and more about doing.

We live in a world that is asking the same question that my nemesis posed to me all those ago, “You really don’t believe all that, do you?” For them the resurrection madness we proclaim seems to be just another idle tale. What they require is for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be translated into a form that they can understand, not in some no budget video presentation or even a television epic with a multi-million dollar budget. Instead, we should be about the work of meeting Jesus in the places where he has gone on ahead of us and translate the Good News into actions that help by offering hope and into deeds that declare the truth of the Easter story through the good we do.

As people of faith we believe, along with the Apostle Paul, that God’s grace, revealed to us in powerful signs in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, hasn’t been for nothing. As people who believe that truth, we’re left with a challenge. After we’re done with the singing of our alleluias, when the Easter lilies have left the building, and the choir has hung up their robes, we’re left with the challenge of crafting a living legacy out of what, to many, seems to be an idle tale.

We witness to this living legacy not only when we raise our alleluia, not just when we arrive at the end of life holding on to the assurance that we are heaven bound, but when we join Jesus in whatever Galilee presents itself in the world today. We give testimony to the fact that God’s mighty acts in Jesus Christ are not for nothing, not only when we say that we believe, but when we live like we believe. The testimony Easter people have to proclaim is simply and powerfully this: “I serve a risen savior. He’s in the world today. I know that he is living whatever foes may. We are his hands of mercy. We speak with his voice of care. And just the time I need him he is always there. He lives! He lives! Christ Jesus lives today. He walks with me when I walk with him. He talks to me when I speak for him. Wherever life’s narrow way takes us, we discover that he lives! He lives- Salvation to impart. You ask me how I know he lives, and I will tell you that the world will know he lives when they see He lives within our hearts.”

Happy Easter. May God grant you grace to live like you believe in the power of the Resurrection.

2022 District Business

Thank you to the 42 people that voted for our District business. The results are as follows:

2022 District Leadership – 41 yes, 1 no
2022 District Narrative Budget – 41 yes, 1 abstain

There are many opportunities to serve in District leadership. If you are interested in filling a vacancy, please email District Superintendent Dwayne Bagley.


Greater Southwest District